Category Archives: Reading updates

To read or not to read

As an avid reader and blogger, I often find myself in ‘to read or not to read situations’ (i.e. there’s a book or two that I have my eye on but I am in utter torment as to whether or not I should read it). There are three books/series that I am currently debating whether or not to invest the time in reading. I am itching to read the first page to test whether or not I’m going to enjoy one, despite the bad reviews, or to complete a series, despite not enjoying the series so far. Shall I just take the plunge, get it over with and, in doing so, produce a very critical review which is fun to write? Or would that just be a waste of precious reading time? Glance through the following and feel free to leave your opinions in the comments below with some much-needed advice.

  • We Were Liars by E. Lockhart – I know nothing about the plot. Nothing at all. And reading the plot description on Goodreads hasn’t helped me because, despite being twelve lines, it reveals virtually nada about anything that happens. I would often consider this as a good thing but I have found that it’s just thrown me into some sort of limbo. The Goodreads average rating is 3.91 stars which, I guess, isn’t too bad but at the same time I know a few people who have read it and weren’t incredibly impressed. So, should I do a little more research into the storyline to encourage me or will that just ruin it if I do end up committing? My dear friends Maddie and Bee from Heart Full of Books have produced a video dedicated to WWL but I’m apprehensive to watch it so as not to spoil it for myself. Ay ay ay. Problems of a fanatical reader.
  • Finale by Becca Fitzpatrick – I started this series about two years ago and remember absolutely adored the first novel (Hush Hush). And then I read the second one and didn’t love it quite as much (Crescendo). And then I read the third one and thought it was terrible (see the link to my review of Silence below)*. Now there is one left in the series (the aptly named Finale) and I am in utter torment as to whether or not I should grit my teeth and just read the damn thing. I must confess, one of the things that I relish about writing reviews is writing critical ones. So, sure, reading Finale would probably cause me considerable amusement when I write the review but it’s the actual reading it that I’m worried about. I felt like I was actually being tortured throughout the process of reading Silence so the idea of reading the last book fills me with dread. Nevertheless, the tiny, little bit of OCD inside is begging for closure. Argh! Decisions, decisions. Who makes a four-book series anyway?
  • Insurgent and Allegiant by Veronica Roth – I read Divergent earlier this year and really liked it (see the link to my review of Divergent below)*. But, according to friends Veronica Roth catches the bug and the series goes downhill from there. I gave Divergent 4 stars and so I’m concerned that reading the rest will tarnish my view of the characters and the plotline so far. What’s the verdict? Should I remain in innocence?


  • Silence by Becca Fitzpatrick review:

  • Divergent by Veronica Roth review:

Review: Divergent by Veronica Roth

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September 2014 TBR

Occasionally I post an ‘Update’ post which provides you lovely readers with some news regarding my reading activities.

In reality, ‘Update’ posts are actually posts which buy me a little time to get on and finish what I’m reading because I’m verrry behind! I had to confess. Sorry.

Generally, my reading progress is usually ahead of my reviews, meaning that when I post a review the reality is that I finished that book approximately two weeks before. I am currently reading the first Harry Potter book.

‘Eh eh,’ I hear you say, ‘she hasn’t even read HP yet? What’s she been doing for the past 17 years?’ Hold your horses, I’m reading it in Spanish.  Yes, it is educational and it’s so much fun to read it again (for the fourth time), but, my goodness, does it take a long time to read it in another language!

As of 31st August I have no reviews waiting in line to be posted. But, hopefully, once I have completed La Piedra Filosofal things will pick up again and I have a fantastic TBR for September which I am very excited about:

  • The Story of English in 100 Words by David Crystal – as I enter my second year at college I will be faced with the rather exciting but rather intimidating English Language coursework in which I need to undertake an investigation into the aspect of the English Language that interests me the most. As a lover of linguistics this may seem easy but it actually means that I am struggling immensely with having to choose what to study. Therefore, Crystal’s book, I hope, is going to help me narrow down my ideas. I’ve read two of his books before: How Language Works and Listen to Your Child both of which, especially the latter, were hugely interesting and enlightening.
  • Recently I posted a review of Stephanie Perkins’ Lola and the Boy Next Door which the second book in the Anna and the French Kiss trilogy*. I have absolutely loved the series so far and am on the edge of my seat in anticipation of finishing it. Therefore, this month I intend to read Isla and the Happily Ever After which I am very excited about, not only because I have enjoyed the first two novels, but also because it has had such mixed reviews and I look forward to putting forward my own take on it.
  • Apocalipsis Z by Manuel Loureiro – I had to slip a zombie novel in there, didn’t I? I gave a brief description of this book in my June Book Haul* but basically all I need to say is that it’s a zombie apocalypse written in Spanish – my two favourite things in the world.
  • The Princess Bride by William Goldman – where Spanish and zombies are two of my favourite things in the world, my friend Jenny’s is The Princess Bride. Whether it’s the book, the film or a ‘Which Character Are You?’ quiz on Facebook, Jenny loves it. So, for that reason I have decided to borrow and read her copy to see if I can get to grips with why it’s so awesome because, after seeing the film, I’m not entirely convinced. I may also ashamedly mention that it’s the favourite film of a guy I like but let’s not get into that…
  • Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell (although not the TV comedian) – I don’t know a huge amount this book as I’m scared about spoiling it for myself. The only thing that I do know is that it’s a series of six mini stories, in chronological order, from the nineteenth century through to a post apocalyptic future from six protagonists’ points of view. An intriguing concept don’t you think?

So that’s my September TBR, all of which, of course will be reviewed in due course. Don’t go anywhere. I am getting through HP, I promise!

Much love 😀



Lola and the Boy Next Door Review:

Review: Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins

Apocalipsis Z description:

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Mid-week update

Today I did the rare and shameful thing of quitting a book.

I know it’s a crime (and it was actually quite a good book) but in the end I decided, that I would be realistic and conform to my teen fiction needs.

So the story starts here, with The Whisperers by Orlando Figes.


Yes, it may look perfectly at first glance but then look at the size of it.


That is a seven hundred and something page non-fiction book which is, perhaps, approachable until you see the size of the font.


So, The Whisperers by the Orlando Figes is a seven hundred and something page book, with very small font, which tells the stories of various Russian families who lived throughout Stalin’s era. It sounded super to me as I find Russian history fascinating but everything went downhill when I realised that I was only managing twenty pages (twenty-five at a push) a night and I roughly calculated that it was going to take me nearly four weeks to read. Hmph.

Therefore, I made the devastating decision to quit after reading seventy-five pages. What made things worse was that I borrowed it from someone else; so now I’m going to have to confess to them too!

But, at the end of the day, in terms of reading, my mantra is that quantity is of equal importance to quality and when one’s nearest library is overflowing with YA one cannot spend nearly a month reading one book. Sorry.

So, I have, instead, begun reading this novel…


…which, judging by the reviews and the blurb, looks like a great story.
And after that, I have this…


…which is probably the most anticipated novel on my ‘to read’ list so you can see why my patience with The Whisperers was pretty much non-existent.
However, I must emphasise that the seventy-five pages that I did read were very interesting. So, unlike me, if you have the time and the patience, I would definitely recommend it.

Bye for now; if you have any comments about the books above feel free to post them.

More reviews will be on their way (I promise!)

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Mid-week update

So, again, I would like to give a little update on what I’ve been up to in the last week or so:

• As a follow on from my last post, I’ll briefly tell you about my own United Nations experience. Last week I took part in a Model UN event in Birmingham. There were committees, there were alliances, there were resolutions and there was a General Assembly – just like the real UN! It was so much fun; my confidence rocketed as I met loads of new people and had to do a bit of public speaking (eek!)
And without a doubt, my little UN introduction was just the ticket in terms of preparing me for the event!

• Since The United Nations: A Very Short Introduction I have read two novels. Both were YA fiction but very different. Firstly, an adorable novel called Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell which I must say is one of the best books I have ever read. Secondly, I finally got round to reading Divergent by Veronica Roth. There’s been so much hype about it and, all in all, it was an enjoyable read.
They’re so different because Fangirl is quite under the radar but I think they both deserve equal recognition!

• And finally, I am currently reading Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green and David Levithan. I loved Looking For Alaska so I thought I’d give this one a go. What’s most enjoyable is that I’m reading it at the same time as a friend so we’re able to share thoughts and opinions as we go!

(Reviews for these three books will be posted in due course as always!)

If you’ve read any of these books feel free to post your thoughts in the comments below.

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Mid-week update


So, this week has been very busy and very book-related:

1. I finished a young adult fiction novel called The Dead Girls Detective Agency by Suzy Cox (review will be posted in due course),

2. I finished a tiny 132 page non-fiction fiction book called Linguisitics, A Very Short Introduction by P. H. Matthews (review will be posted in due course),

3. I started a new YA novel called The Carrie Diaries by Candace Bushnell (Carrie Bradshaw’s life before Sex and The City),


4. I got a new book case! Harrah! My last book case (see above) was starting to overflow with books to the point that I was losing precious floor and shelf space. However, after a long afternoon of moving things, sorting through old books and lots of hoovering, I now have handsome, towering book case that puts my last one to shame (it reaches the ceiling!). Plus, I now have plenty more room for even more books (ahem) in the future.

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