Mini book haul

There are a couple of books that I received/bought in the last few months that I have never actually gotten round to mentioning. So, I thought I’d create a mini post for them.

  1. This was a birthday present from a friend (which I received after I posted my June birthday WP_20140707_003book haul posts – see links below) who has access to my Amazon wishlist and, therefore, my heart! This Is What Happy Looks Like by Jennifer E. Smith is about a movie star boy who strikes up a relationship with a normal girl by accidentally sending her an email. Their relationship is taken to the next level when he decides that her home town is the perfect place to shoot his new film and the two meet in real life! I am super excited about this book because I have read really great things about the author. Smith has also written The Statistical Probability of Love at First sight which I really want to read (just because of the super cute title)!
  2. The other book that I want to show you is Fantasy in Death by J.D. WP_20140707_001Robb who is a prestigious American, crime-fiction author. She has written a multi-book series (multi is an understatement – there are dozens of In Death novels) about Detective Eve Dallas and the various cases that she encounters in New York. I have read one of them – Purity in Death – which I really enjoyed and so was eager to buy another one of Robb’s novels. I saw Fantasy in Death – in which a millionaire is murdered in a locked room while playing video games – in a second-hand book shop for a fiver. VERY.PLEASED.


June book haul posts:

June book haul – part 3

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